Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Happy New Year

I sit here, half an hour to go before the office cab leaves and drops me off to my room. Having finished the work for the day, I decide to blog.

I realise that this is a new year. I almost didn't notice. Life's been hectic this last year. It's also been fun. That's the reason I didn't mind the hectic bit too much. As i begin to think of the new year, I wonder what it brings to me. Is it going to be more of the same? I hope not!

There's is this problem with me: I can't deal with 'more of the same' for too long. The 'same' might have been good, but it's gotta change. I look forward to newer experiences, hopefully some more time to spend on things I wanted to do, but couldn't so far. I have this idea, to take off for a fortnight or so. Alone, just roam around... no boundaries..just to let myself free... no friends, no buddies, no distractions... sounds yummy.


Blogger Kartikeya said...

Even I want to be alone. No friends to disturb me ;-) but not without the sound of music, I can't leave Aerosmith, Dylan, Dire Starits, Bruce and Kurt behind and roam. They soothe my already battered soul.

7:07 PM, January 12, 2005  

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